Contact: Catalina Ramirez For Immediate Release
Telephone: 704.810.8589
Cell Phone: 440.228.1660
Email: CatalinaLoves@gmail.com
Pro Photos Tours Announces Upcoming Workshops
Fine Art Nude - Photographing and Lighting The Human Form
Pro Photo Tours has announced new monthly tour dates beginning August 8-10th in Tampa, FL. Bobby Knight, David Lawrence, and Lochai are three professional photographers, each well known and respected within their specialty, who work together to provide workshops that were crafted specifically to meet the needs of advanced amateurs and working professional photographers.
Join master photographers in their fields of glamour, fetish, and fine art erotic photography to learn how to Shoot for the Walls and not just your computer screen. Anyone can take a pretty picture; it takes skill to produce an image that is good enough to hang on a gallery wall. This three day intensive weekend provides the knowledge base to capture and produce images that art collectors will want to hang in their homes, not just view on their monitors.
Pro Photo Tours teaches you to create the setting with stylists, rope artists, and other artistic props. You will learn how to work with models, both professional and amateur, from both an artistic and business angle. You will learn their lighting set ups for the dramatic and mysterious, and give you the secrets for capturing an emotion and story in just one image. To finish the workshop you will learn their post production techniques to make it a keeper.
The resulting fine art collaborations will be published in a limited edition coffee table book, in which each participant will be represented. This intimate workshop is hands-on, side-by-side, learning the recipe for award winning art from the chefs themselves. Visit ProPhotoTours.com to see when they will be visiting a city near you. (http://prophototours.com)
For more information about this topic, please contact Catalina Ramirez at Quid Pro Quo by calling 440.228.1660, or e-mail CatalinaLoves@gmail.com.
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